

Media Coverage: Dr Hatano's research relating ALS - Asahi Shimbun Digital

An article in the Asahi Shimbun Digital features the research findings of a research group including Dr Yuya Hatano (Part-time lecturer, Dept of Neurology).

Read an online article of the Asahi Shimbun Digital (in Japanese).
(July 25, 2023, Asahi Shimbun Digital)

Paper summary
Hatano, Y., Ishihara, T. & Onodera, O. Accuracy of a machine learning method based on structural and locational information from AlphaFold2 for predicting the pathogenicity of TARDBP and FUS gene variants in ALS. BMC Bioinformatics 24, 206 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-023-05338-5

The Serika Fund
The Serika Fund is to encourage researchers to discover treatments and a cure for ALS. The fund is named after Serika, a character of a Japanese comic series "Space Brothers", who lost her father to ALS.

About Dept of Neurology
Dept of Neurology website