

Annual memorial service for animals held

A memorial service for animals was held at a lecture room #3, School of Medicine on Monday, November 11, 2019.

BRI director, Prof Hiroyuki Nawa delivered an opening remark, followed by an annual operating report from Prof Toshikuni Sasaoka (Dept of Comparative & Experimental Medicine).
The campus-wide memorial services are held every year to acknowledge the contribution of animals to excellence in research and teaching at Niigata University. This year, approximately 150 faculty members and students from BRI, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry attended the service to show appreciation, comfort the sprit, and console the souls.

Subsequently, Prof Yoshihiro Sakoda from Hokkaido University gave an invited talk on "Current situation of transboundary animal diseases: avian influenza, CSF and ASF".

■The memorial service
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