
MEXTの国費留学生のお二人が来日されました。生活のセットアップが落ち着き次第、研究に参加します。皆に言えることですがラボのスローガンでもある、「難病を克服する」、「障害を支え合う」、「科学の歴史を刻む」、の最低でもいずれか1つを目標に、どうやったらそれを達成できるか日々考えて動いてください。ようこそ 脳研究所 松井研究室へ!!!

Participation of Japanese Government Scholarship Students

Two Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT) students have arrived in Japan. They will join our research as soon as their living setup is settled. As I can say to everyone, please set at least one of the lab's slogans, "Overcoming intractable diseases," "Supporting each other with disabilities," or "Making scientific history," as your goal, and think about how you can achieve it every day as you work. Welcome to the Matsui Lab at the Brain Research Institute !!!
