




研究室は松井自身が18:00には帰宅しますし、学生さんは一般的にはもっと早く帰宅しています。子育てや臨床と両立するために週に数日だけ来るという選択肢もあります。少なくともブラック研究室ではないです。研究はとても大事ですが、生活や子育ても大事です。様々なこととうまく両立してください。ただし研究そのものに関してはあれもこれもと欲張るよりも一つ大きな実績を作るほうがいいです。これはNature、Cell、Scienceというたぐいの実績という意味ではなく(もちろんimpact factorも論文の数も大事ですよ!)、X先生といえばYの研究、とわかるような研究テーマがあるという意味です。これについては私もまだまだ途上です。

We are looking for students to join our laboratory.

Our laboratory is unique in many ways, and there is no shortage of research topics. Because of the partly competitive nature of research, we do not list the latest research themes or research themes for students on our website. If you are interested in joining our laboratory, please send us an email so that we can explain our research individually. We also welcome visitors at any time. We have a lot of fun research topics lying around. If there is something that you would like to do, please ask if it is possible to do it in our lab as well.

Laboratories require a variety of skills, so please contact us if you are interested, even if you are not from medical field. However, whether it is a company, university, or research institute, there are a few requirements to become a full-time researcher or faculty member (assistant professor, associate professor, professor, etc.).
The first is that you must be very interested in the act of research. It is inherently fun to discover new things with your own hands, but on the other hand, there are many times when each experiment does not go well. Just as there are few baseball players who don't like baseball, I think there are few researchers who don't like research.
The second is basic academic skills. It doesn't matter what department you are in, but you need to have basic academic skills. Research is an extension of study. I don't think there is an excellent researcher who doesn't have basic academic skills. There is no need to be a medical school graduate, as it is better to have a variety of faculties. Science, agriculture, engineering, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, life sciences and etc. are all welcome.

It is also easier to ask for advice if you are a struggling student and need financial support, or if you need some kind of reasonable accommodation. There are several systems that provide financial and other support to outstanding students, but as long as you are aiming to become a researcher, not everyone is acceptable. If you have a different main affiliation but want to do your research here, please consult with us. There are two of us who belong to the Department of Pediatrics, but of course you can belong to other clinical departments, the Faculty of Science, or the Faculty of Agriculture.

In the lab, Matsui usually goes home by 18:00, and students generally go home much earlier. There is also the option of coming only a few days a week to balance childcare and clinical work. At least it is not a black lab. Research is very important, but life and child-rearing are also important. You should be able to balance various things. However, when it comes to research itself, it is better to make one big achievement than to be greedy about everything. This does not mean that you have a track record in Nature, Cell, or Science (of course, impact factor and number of papers are important!), but it means that you have a research theme that people can understand who you are. I am still in the process of figuring this out.



What is the minimum level that our laboratory requires of prospective students before they can enroll? This is not a high hurdle, but it is included here just in case. Post-docs and above are expected to be able to come up with ideas and plan on their own.

1. 難易度の低い英語の論文であれば(辞書を片手にでも頑張って時間をかければ)ある程度は読める。英文をミスがあってもなんとか意味が通じるレベルで記載できる。英会話は入学してから練習すればいいです。

You can read some papers in less difficult English (if You work hard and take your time, even with a dictionary in hand). You can describe English sentences at a level where the meaning is somehow understandable even if there are mistakes. You can practice English conversation after entering the school.

2. 教えてもらうことをメモをとるなどし、自分のものにしようとする。指導をきちんと守ることができる。プロトコールを遵守できる。

Take notes on what you are taught and try to make it your own. Follow the instructions. Follow the protocols.

3. 時間を守る。規則正しい生活をする。

Be punctual. Be regular in your life.

4. 後片付けをきちんとする。共通試薬の補充をする、あるいは不足に気が付き連絡する。

Clean up properly. Replenish common reagents, or notify us when you notice a shortage.

5. 医学や生物学のバックグラウンドはなくてもいいですが、例えば細胞とか遺伝子とかそういう基本単語がわからない場合は事前に相談してください。「NHKスペシャル 驚異の小宇宙 人体III 遺伝子DNA」を見て勉強してもらいます。

You do not need to have a background in medicine or biology, but if you do not know basic words such as cell or gene, for example, please consult with me beforehand. You will be asked to watch and study "NHK Special: The Amazing Microcosm of the Human Body III: Gene DNA".

6. 研究者としてやり遂げたい(漠然としたものでもいいので)何かがある。研究者でも就職でも医師でも何かしら見つけてやろうという意気込みは買います

There is something you want to accomplish as a researcher (even if it is vague). Whether you want to be a researcher, hope to find a job, or plan to return to a medical doctor, we highly value your enthusiasm to find something important and new.