Our Lab




1. 難病を克服する
2. 障害を支え合う
3. 科学の歴史を刻む


Neurodegeneration such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Cerebrovascular diseases including stroke and cerebral hemorrhage, as well as Developmental disorders and Mental illnesses, present significant challenges in terms of treatment and management. Many of these disorders and disabilities have a high incidence rate and are of utmost importance both in medicine and in society.

Brain disorders may be perceived as highly complex and unique to humans. However, various organisms naturally develop brain disorders through aging or other processes similar to humans. For instance, our laboratory has revealed that African killifish exhibit a disease state reminiscent of Parkinson's disease during aging, leading to numerous insights that contribute to the understanding of novel pathological mechanisms in this disorder. Cognitive impairment in various animals is also occasionally reported in news and scientific articles. Furthermore, alpha-synuclein, a molecular factor implicated in Parkinson's disease, is found in fish, and the amyloid precursor protein, a molecular factor in Alzheimer's disease, exists in fish and insects as well.

In our laboratory, we integrate the study of various research subjects, primarily focusing on small fish species. We combine the cutting-edge neuroscience and evolutionary approaches, leveraging the esteemed Brain Bank of our institute, and employing research methodologies that cannot be replicated by AI for the next 20 to 50 years. We strive to unravel the evolutionary origins of brain disorders and establish a fundamental understanding of the pathophysiology rooted in the comprehension of the physiological functions of molecular factors that underlie these disorders.

1. Conquering difficult diseases.
2. Supporting individuals with disabilities.
3. Leaving a significant mark on the history of science.

By shedding light on the essence of brain disorders, we aim to expand our research achievements to areas such as industry-academia collaboration, drug development research, and preventive medicine, making substantial contributions to the treatment of brain disorders and the promotion of healthy longevity. Furthermore, we actively propose approaches to foster coexistence with disabilities and aging.


  • Embassy-recommended JAPANESE GOVERNMENT (MEXT) SCHOLARSHIP students are welcome!
    In our laboratory, there are both an Embassy-recommended student and an assistant professor who was an Embassy-recommended student. Even embassy-recommended students may feel uneasy about doing research in Japan, but there are seniors in our laboratory and our International Office provides excellent supports. If you are interested in our research, please consider applying. Embassy-recommended JAPANESE GOVERNMENT (MEXT) SCHOLARSHIP students are welcome.
  • 学生さん、学術振興会特別研究員への応募は随時受け付けていますのでメールしてください。メールアドレスは、hide0729アットマークbri.niigata-u.ac.jp、です。
  • 学術振興会特別研究員:
  • 大学院の案内は新潟大学医学部、博士課程あるいは修士課程で検索すると出てきます:



Matsui, H.*, Takahashi, R. Current trends in basic research on Parkinson's disease: from mitochondria, lysosome to α-synuclein. J. Neural. Transm., 2024.



Yamanaka, T., Kurosawa, M., Yoshida, A., Shimogori, T., Hiyama, A., Maity, S. N., Hattori, N., Matsui, H., Nukina, N. NF-YA is Crucial for Neural Progenitor Maintenance in Brain Development. J. Biol. Chem.



Kodera, K., Hishida, R., Sakai, A., Nyuzuki, H., Matsui, N., Yamanaka, T., Saitoh, A., Matsui, H.* GPATCH4 contributes to nucleolus morphology and its dysfunction impairs cell viability. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.
Yamanaka, T., Matsui, H.* Modeling familial and sporadic Parkinson's diseases in small fishes. Dev. Growth. Differ.


HussanさんとZannatさんの送別会、Anjaliさんと山岸さんの歓迎会、を行いました Hussan-san and Zannat-san's farewell party and Anjali-san and Yamagishi-san's welcome party were held.


Hussan-san and Zannat-san have managed to overcome the challenges of their two-year research and daily life in Japan with their sons. They will continue to thrive in their home country, applying what they have learned here. Also, all the remaining members should always remember that Hussan-san and Zannat-san were the first foreign members to join our Laboratory, laying the foundation for the diverse international character of this lab we have today.


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