UENO lab

Brain Research Institute, Niigata University

Our lab studies connectivity and functions of neural circuits in normal and injured brain/spinal cord.


2024.11.27 New

Invited talk at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (@ Fukuoka).

2024.11.22 New

Shoji's paper in JCI Insight: CRISPR/CasRx suppresses KRAS-induced brain arteriovenous malformation developed in postnatal brain endothelial cells in mice. Saito S, Nakamura Y, Miyashita S, Sato T, Hoshina K, Okada M, Hasegawa H, Oishi M, Fujii Y, Körbelin J, Kubota Y, Tainaka K, Natsumeda M, Ueno M. JCI Insight 9: e179729, 2024

2024.11.13 New

We hold a seminar at BRI.

2024.11.11 New

Reina has joined our lab!

2024.10.21 New

A review article (in Japanese): Rehabilitation to restore neural repair capacity in the aged brain. Tanaka T, Ueno M. Med Sci Dig 50(12): 602-604, 2024

2024.10.12 New

Invited talk at the 29th meeting of Japanese Society of Physical Therapy (@ Hachioji).

2024.10.02 New

A review article (in Japanese): Elucidating the neural network of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons. Nakamura Y, Ueno M. Seitai No Kagaku 75(5): 406-7, 2024

2024.09.19 New

Invited talk at the QSLSL/IUSNA symposium.

2024.09.09 New

Yuki has joined our lab!

2024.09.06 New

Shintaro's paper was awarded the excellent papers in our university!

2024.08.17 New

Yoshino presneted a poster at the 14th Summer Retreat in East Japan Basic Medical Training Program Consortium.

2024.07.25 New

Wenbo (Harbin Med Univ) is joining our lab in the Summer Medical Exchange Program.

2024.07.16 New

BRI is recruiting associate professor position (tenure track).

2024.07.13 New

Presentation at the 64th Niigata biochemistry meeting @ Niigata

2024.06.07 New

Invited talk at the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP).

2024.05.22 New

A review article (in Japanese): Rewiring of the corticospinal circuit and the molecular mechanism after stroke. Sato T, Ueno M. Med Sci Dig 50(6): 48-50, 2024

2024.05.10 New

We hold a seminar at BRI.

2024.05.02 New

Moeka has joined our lab!

2024.05.01 New

A review article (in Japanese): Protein spreading in ALS: disease progression by TDP-43 in the motor circuits. Tsuboguchi S, Onodera O, Ueno M. Farumashia 60(5): 393-397, 2024 (in Japanese)

2024.04.15 New

Selected as the best paper in 2023 in J Phys Ther Fund.

2024.03.15 New

Invited talks in several meetings in March.

2024.03.06 New

Poster presentation at Sensorimotor circuits for limb control @ OIST

2024.01.31 New

The 13th NIPS-EHUB-BRI joint symposium is held @ BRI.

2024.01.19 New

Invited lecture at the Univ Tokyo.

2023.12.01 New

We will join several meetings in this winter.

2023.11.15 New

Misaki has joined our lab!

2023.11.11 New

Invited talks and poster presentations in several meetings.

2023.09.15 New

A review article (in Japanese): Autonomic dysfunction and neural circuit rewiring in spinal cord injury. Ueno M. The Autonom Nerv Sys 60(3): 110-114, 2023 (in Japanese)

2023.09.04 New

Sou has joined our lab!

2023.08.31 New

Presentation at the "iPlasticity" summer meeting.

2023.08.09 New

Shintaro's paper in Acta Neuropathologica: TDP-43 differentially propagates to induce antero- and retrograde degeneration in the corticospinal circuits in mouse focal ALS models. Tsuboguchi S, Nakamura Y, Ishihara T, Kato T, Sato T, Koyama A, Mori H, Koike Y, Onodera O, Ueno M. Acta Neuropathol 2023, in press

2023.07.25 New

We present posters in the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Toki, Yuka, Shintaro, Shoji, and Kohei @ Sendai).

2023.07.22 New

Presentation at the 63th Niigata biochemistry meeting (@ Niigata).

2023.07.20 New

A new paper in collaboration: Voluntary running restores age-related loss of neural repair abilities and circadian rhythms after brain injury. Tanaka T, Ura H, Maeda T, Yanagita N, Mitsugi K, Koki H, Ueno M. J Phys Ther Fund. 2023 in press (in Japanese)

2023.07.20 New

Inoue T. The exercise to support brain health. Noeken column (in Japanese)

2023.07.19 New

Masamichi has joined our lab!

2023.07.14 New

Talk at the 3rd meeting of homeodynamics (@ Kyoto).

2023.04.24 New

Sicong has joined our lab!

2023.04.13 New

Talk at the Partnership Symposium between DANDRITE, Aarhus University and BRI

2023.04.03 New

Takanobu has joined our lab!

2023.03.31 New

A review article (in Japanese): Cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons: spinal sensors of cerebrospinal fluid. Nakamura Y, Ueno M. The Cell 55(5): 32-6, 2023

2023.03.25 New

Our work was introduced in eLife Insight.

2023.03.25 New

A review article (in Japanese): Rewiring of corticospinal tract after central nervous system injuries. Inoue T, Ueno M. Jpn J Neuropsychol 39(1): 30-9, 2023

2023.03.24 New

Seminar for high-school students in Niigata.

2023.02.21 New

Yuka's paper in eLife: Cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neuron tracing reveals structural and functional connectivity for locomotion in the mouse spinal cord. Nakamura Y, Kurabe M, Matsumoto M, Sato T, Miyashita S, Hoshina K, Kamiya Y, Tainaka K, Matsuzawa H, Ohno N, Ueno M. eLife 12: e83108, 2023

2023.02.09 New

Taka's paper. Temporal dynamics of brain BDNF expression following a single bout of exercise: A bioluminescence imaging study. Inoue T, Ikegami R, Takamatsu Y, Fukuchi M, Haga S, Ozaki M, Maejima H. Neurosci Lett 799: 137120, 2023

2023.02.03 New

Presentation at the 12th NIPS-BRI-EHUB Joint Symposium

2023.01.17 New

Satoshi's interview in BRI website.

2023.01.11 New

Poster presentation at the IRCN-iPlasticity International Symposium (@ Tokyo).

2023.01.06 New

Invited lecture at the Univ Tokyo.

2022.12.05 New

Kohei's interview in BRI website.

2022.11.18 New

Invited talk at iPlasticity online meeting.

2022.11.04 New

A new paper in collaboration: Nakata S, Murai J, Okada M, Takahashi H, Findlay TH, Malebranche K, Parthasarathy A, Miyashita S, Gabdulkhaev R, Benkimoun I, Druillennec S, Chabi S, Hawkins E, Miyahara H, Tateishi K, Yamashita S, Yamada S, Saito T, On J, Jun Watanabe J, Tsukamoto Y, Yoshimura J, Oishi M, Nakano T, Imamura M, Imai C, Yamamoto T, Takeshima H, Sasaki AT, Rodriguez FJ, Nobusawa S, Varlet P, Pouponnot C, Osuka S, Pommier Y, Kakita A, Fujii Y, Raabe EH, Eberhart CG, Natsumeda M. Epigenetic upregulation of Schlafen11 renders WNT- and SHH- activated medulloblastomas sensitive to cisplatin. Neuro-oncology 2022

2022.10.07 New

Invited talk at Nagoya University Grad School Medicine.

2022.10.01 New

Taka got an excellence award from Japanese Society for Physical Therapy!

2022.09.09 New

Invited talk at the 46th Annual Meeting of Neuropsychology Association of Japan (in Sapporo).

2022.09.05 New

Yoshino has joined our lab!

2022.08.15 New

Yuka's preprint on the study of CSF-contacting neurons is now on bioRxiv!

2022.08.02 New

Presentation at the "iPlasticity" summer meeting.

2022.06.01 New

A review article: Visualization of neuronal rewiring in brain and spinal cord injury. Sato T, Ueno M. Clin Neurosci. 40(6): 746-9, 2022 (in Japanese)

2022.04.08 New

BRI movies on YouTube!

2022.04.01 New

Takahiro and Kohei have joined our lab, welcome!

2022.03.24 New

Invited talk at the 6th Chi no Hiroba Science Seminar.

2022.02.18 New

Talk at the 11th NIPS-PRI-BRI symposium.

2022.02.18 New

Satoshi's review paper: Transit amplifying progenitors in the cerebellum: similarities to and differences from transit amplifying cells in other brain regions and between species. Miyashita S, Hoshino M. Cells 11(4):726, 2022

2022.01.14 New

Presentation at the "iPlasticity" meeting.

2021.12.01 New

Toki was appointed to Associate professor in BRI!